many requests for plans for model boats based on Selway Fisher designs,
particularly motor and steam launches, I written this manual which
starts by taking an over-view of wood model boat building. The various
different methods and materials used are discussed followed by a look at
the potential problems associated with simply scaling down
directly from a full-size boat.
This is
followed by five chapters giving drawings and details for the
construction of model boats, some based on full-size Selway Fisher
designs. Included are a series of four carpet models aimed at young
children to use with their toy cars, a stitch and tape model of the
Christine open canoe, a half model of the Swallow Tancook Whaler yacht
and two Balsa wood models one of the Power225 motor cruiser and the
other of the 4m Mini Yacht.
Below is a taste of what is included in the manual.